Our Art Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes
- Opportunities for work to be displayed beyond the classroom such as on corridors or special show casing events and exhibitions, where work can be shared with a wider audience including children from other year groups and parents.
- Pupil discussions about their learning; which includes discussion of their thoughts, ideas, processing and evaluations of work.
Our Art curriculum is also planned in a way that promotes cultural capital. All children will learn the same skills and have the opportunity to realise their talents and develop their character through self-expression. Children will be exposed to a wide range of experiences that will enhance their skills development and provide them with knowledge about a wider range of culture. This will be delivered through guest speakers from local artists, visits to local art galleries and visits to other areas within our community and around our community to explore how art is embodied throughout different institutions.