Our mathematics curriculum is based upon White Rose resources which are fully supported by the Department for Education as they meet the requirements of the new curriculum. It provides all the elements that teachers need to teach maths mastery with confidence and to encourage children to talk using maths language. We strive to ensure that by the end of their primary education, all pupils can demonstrate a secure knowledge of number, calculate fluently and with good understanding, articulate patterns and relationships as well as logically deconstructing problems in order to solve them. We aim for pupils to see the purpose and significance of all areas of maths so that they can analyse new information and apply their maths skills to their own lives on a daily basis.
We measure the impact of our curriculum using the following methods:
- A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes
- Termly Progress in Understanding Mathematics Assessment (PUMA) which is a suite of termly standardised maths tests which enable school to track progress, predict future performance and benchmark against national averages
- Pupil discussions about their learning
We will enhance children’s cultural capital by using money, telling the time and knowing about shapes, how to add and subtract, multiply and divide. Using real-life problems is an excellent way to show pupils the validity of their maths knowledge.