Through the child’s journey at Salisbury Manor Primary their musical skills and understanding are built on each year, from singing simple songs from memory and performing simple rhythm patterns in KS1, to more advanced techniques skills, and understanding in lower KS2, further developing in upper KS2 where the children can have an experience of playing an instrument and can read and follow a simple musical score. Throughout this, the child’s enjoyment of music is a key element, running alongside the ‘taught’ musical skills and objectives.
We build on children’s cultural capital by ensuring that throughout their musical education they can experience listening to and performing a wide variety of genres from different cultures. These include reggae, classical, jazz, rock, blues, pop, folk, hip-hop, ballads and many more. Each genre stems from a different part of the world and builds children’s knowledge and understanding of these places. We further enhance our curriculum by organising musical workshops, performances and professional tuition.