At Salisbury Manor Primary, approximately 13% of children are on the SEND register. We have a comprehensive intervention programme to ensure the needs of all learners are met. Across the school, our teachers and teaching assistants are trained to provide interventions, where necessary, covering various curriculum areas. These include:
- Additional Maths and English Support
- Speech, Language and Communication Support
- Social and Emotional Literacy Support
- Gross and Fine Motor Support
- Pastoral and SEMH support interventions
Throughout the year, we will provide various workshops for all parents on how to support their children with their learning. These can include phonics, maths and language and communication sessions. We also provide information and coffee mornings for parents of children with SEND.
As part of the Local Offer, we have support from our Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, CAHMs Support Worker and School Nurse. We also receive support from the Autism and Early Years Intervention Team and the Behaviour Intervention Team as part of our extended SEND support.
Follow this link: Waltham Forest’s Local Offer to gain a better understanding of the Local Offer.
We have a SEND Governor who supports the school in ensuring we meet the needs of all children with additional and special needs. Our SEND Governor is Ms Fariha Mughal.
The information on our website complies with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2015 and is in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. This information is updated annually and any change to information occurring during the year is updated as soon as possible.
If you would like detailed information regarding our SEND Provision at Salisbury Manor Primary, please follow the link:
Please click here to see our SEND Policy.
Please click here for our SEND Information Report.
Please click here for an Annex to our SEND Information Report, setting out the arrangements in place to support our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities during the COVID-19 related partial school closure.
Alternatively, you can contact our SEND coordinator, Ms Amy Geoghegan via email on