The school’s catering service is provided by Taylor Shaw, caterer of choice for thousands of primary pupils across the UK.
Our menu is appetising, nutritious, balanced, and designed to encourage children to enjoy food, learn, play, and grow. Lunch is an integral part of the school day and something all children should look forward to. Taylor Shaw’s dedicated catering team ensures the dining hall is a welcoming and happy place for your child.
Our menus meet the Government’s School Food Standards and the bronze Food for Life standards.
Taylor Shaw’s dedicated dietitians work with our Chef teams to ensure our menus are nutritionally sound, shaping recipes to ensure they meet the School Food Standards and standards set by Public Health England.
Your child's health and safety will always be of the utmost importance to us, and having accurate information about dietary needs and allergies is crucial for us to prepare and serve meals that meet their requirements
Taylor Shaw’s dietitians and catering team work together and follow a robust process, so you can feel reassured that whenever safely possible, an alternative menu will be provided. All the teams receive allergy training annually, and whenever there’s an update to allergen laws.
Our guide ‘Medical Diet Menus - A Guide for Parents, Guardians & Carers’ contains further information about the medical diet process and includes step by step instructions for you to record this information to ensure we are fully aware of any medical diet requirements.
Please click here for the Parental Medical Diet Guide.
Our menu is sourced responsibly and uses:
We encourage pupils to learn about food through our food education program which includes fun-themed events, assemblies, and displays with messaging around health and wellbeing.
Did you know only 1% of packed lunches meet the nutritional standards that currently apply to school food? Here are five reasons school lunches are better:
Please click here for the Information Leaflet for Parents and Guardians.
Your child may be able to get additional benefits for free school meals if you receive any of the following: Please click here to apply.
Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.
Find further information and how to apply on your local authority’s website.
You must be entitiled to Free School Meals to receive supermarket vouchers during the half term.
To redeem your free food voucher use the following Edenred website link. Click on the link below and enter your unique code which has been emailed to you:
If you need further help, please contact the Edenred helpline on 0333 444 5932.
Taylor Shaw’s Website Address:
If you prefer, your child may have a packed lunch. We ask that you ensure packed lunches are healthy and well balanced, as we do encourage healthy eating at school.
Please note the following points about packed lunches:
United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee. Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.
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